

ボタンの季節 The season of peony

I knew it was a little too late, but I went to Tokugawa Garden to appreciate peony. 

Right after I passed through the entrance,  viburnum trees welcomed me. I saw red fruits in autumn and winter several times, but I have never sees the flowers. The white small flowers make me feel fresh.
The next was irises.

Another species.

I was reminded it was a season for rhododendron, too.

Finally, peonies. Most of them were after their primes, but some in the shady places were still beautiful.

Next to the peonies were wisteria.

I sat down on a bench at a small hut. The view from the bench was beautiful with the contrast of young leaves of maples and a pond. A pot of calanthe was displayed on a table.

There is a small stream and a falls. The beauties of them were emphasized by the green  of young leaves.

出口で面白いイベントのポスターを見つけた。この山車は何十年も前に、中学生の時に学校の窓から何度か見たことがある。 これを見に来るのも面白いかもしれない。
At the exit, I found a poster of interesting event. I several times saw these floats from the window of our school many years ago. I may be fun to come and see these.


よさみなんて聞いたことなかった Yosami that I have never heard of.

We went to Floral Garden Yosami. A few days ago, I found a brochure at Shiratori Garden. It is a facility of Kariya city. The flowers there are beautifully grown. Also as a park, it would be good place for children and pets to play around. (It is said that pets without leases are not allowed, though.)

There were beautiful flowers like this. This is a one that I have never seen.

At the parking lot, a lot of carp streamers are displayed. They can bee seen from the distance as the park is in the middle of flat farming field.

Then, I found this at the corner of the park.

A building next to the tower looks solemn. Look at the magnificent insulators. It looks somewhat like the research laboratory of Dr. Frankenstein. Looking inside through a window, we could see many big machines are displayed.
隣の建物も何やら厳しい。 立派な碍子ではないか。フランケンシュタイン博士の研究所のようである。窓から中を除くと大きな機械が沢山陳列されているのが見える。

玄関に回ってみると、説明書きがあり、依佐美送信所という無線送信所の記念館だと判った。オリジナルの建物は解体させ、後に雰囲気を残す記念館を建てたとのこと。後から判ったことだが、立派なweb pageもあるし、あのIEEEのマイルストーンにも2009年に登録されている歴史的な施設である。
Going around to the entrance, we found a notice, and understood this is a memorial building of a wireless transmission facility named Yosami Radio Transmitting station. Later I found a well-made web page, and it was a historically important facility dedicated to one of the IEEE milestones in 2009.

It is told that this was constructed around the end of Taisho era to the beginning of Showa era, it started transmission to Europe in Showa 4 (1929). After the WWII, it was incepted by GHQ, and used by USN until Heisei 5(1993). I guess it used for communication with USN submarines. It was returned to Japan in Heisei 6 (1994), and this memorial building was constructed in Heisei 19 (2007). It is described on Wiki in detail.

Description about the facility for US people.

Nameplates of USN.
Warning of "No trespassing".

It is said that the historical message to Imperial Japanese submarines telling "Niitakayama nobore," a coded order meaning to attack the Pearl Harbor.

We appreciated the beauty of flowers, but I took very few pictures of them as I was astonished at the transmission facility.


本 Books

昨晩、ポール・オースターの「In the country of last things」を読み終わった。寝る前に少しづつ読んでいたのである。
Last night I finished reading "In the country of last things" by Paul Auster after I have been reading it little by little before sleep.

It is still sold at amazon.

It was a story of a young lady living in a disastrous "city". It was written in the form of a letter from her to her boyfriend. It tells about a dreadful and miserable life of her, and ends with faint expectation about their hopeful or disappointing unpredictable future.

The reviews of the book tell;

“Powerful, enigmatic, imaginative, and handled with artistry. . .One of the better modern attempts at describing hell.” 
– The Washington Post Book World

“Reminiscent in many ways of Orwell’s 1984. . .Auster creates within these pages a place so real it could be our own country, perhaps our very own city.” 
– The Atlanta Journal Constitution.

This, I found several weeks ago in my bookshelf. Pages are brown-yellow. It was read about ten pages. Although I don't remember that I had read this, I could say that because there was a bookmark, and in those ten pages, some words were underlined to show words that I think I had not known until then. I gave up reading there probably because the story starts with a plot un-comprehensible as many other novels are. I was not able to stay with it, I guess. It happens, so there are many books in my house that were partially being read.

Apparently, sometimes in the past I bought this. I don't remember when or where. I tried to infer how I encountered this book. The cue is the bookmark there. It was a boarding pass of American airline dated 03May05. So, I think I bought this twelve years ago or sometime a little earlier. I have almost no knowledge about Paul Auster, so presumably I bought this by the influence of some book review I read around that time. I once kept pieces of paper on that names of books I was curious about were noted. The book must be one of in the list. The location I bought could be in Tokyo where I was living in 2005, or an airport bookstore when I was traveling with the boarding pass.

Encouraged by my being able to finish this book, I started reading another partially read book. I will write about the book when I finished reading it.


白い藤? White Wisteria?

I thought wisteria is called wisteria as the color is wisteria. However, today I saw this tree, white wisteria. It was in a small park on the way to Shiratori Garden.

The cluster is rather small thinking of the size of the trunk.

Probably because of this. The trunk is badly damaged. More than half of it were lost.

I was secretly planning to collect seeds of this tree to preserve descendants.













This is called "Kikumomo". Literal translation is Crythanthemum-peach, a species of peach. The name properly expresses the shape of the flower. According to Wikipedia, it originally was brought from China to Japan several hundred years ago. There is a big tree of Kikumomo in the garden of one of our neighbors. They gave several branches so that I can make a "bonsai" buy cuttage.

To do so, I had to prune unnecessary branches. As I felt sorry to trash those branches with beautiful flowers, I put them in a pot.

Some flowers removed without branches were put on a surface of water in a bowl.

It got full.

I would write an article if some of them successfully survived.


茶碗屋さんたち Potters

Our annual cherry watching tour to Kyoto was over. Yesterday, on the day back home, we dropped in to a town of Shigaraki, a famous pottery town. I wanted to buy a tokkuri, a hot sake server; and some plants pots. I knew a shop for plant pots, but no idea about where to buy a tokkuri.

It was about lunch time, we tried Gindawara for lunch as many people were waiting at the entrance. The main specialty of the restaurant was "Steamed Rice". The taste of the dishes and Rice were pretty good.

I had fried chicken set.

Also, here we could find several cues to pottery shop. The restaurant introduced shops that sold potteries they are using to serve their customers.

The first shop we visited was Kamiyama Pottery, the same shop I bought several plants pots last year. The price there is very attractive and they have huge varieties of pots.

I bought two plants pots and one plate to put pots on.

I asked the lady and an old man at Kamiyama to give some idea that there is any shops recommendable to buy a tokkuki. After considering several moments old man recommended us Touchinkan as it has many varieties, he said.

We went to Touchinkan, then. Yes, they have big shop and wide varieties. However, they had not so many types of interesting Tokkuri, thus we decided to visit the shops we knew at Gindawara.

The next shop we visited was Fujito. A cheerful old lady, who said she is eighty years old, but looks like just seveyty,  welcomed us and guided us.

After hesitating over several tokkuri, I chose one that looks not so flashy but has a deep subtle colors over the surface, AND not so expensive.

Looking at me choosing tokkuri, my wife picked up a tea pot that costs four times more of my tokkuri. The one she chose was just the one I was attracted a few minutes earlier when I was looking for a tokkuri, I was surprised as her choice coincided with mine.

Although we finished our shopping, we continued our tour of potteries to obtain more knowledge about Shigaraki potteries. The next shop was "Sohdo".

This shop is dealing not only potteries, but also original tablewares.

They are also designing and creating potteries different from Fujito that is only selling but not making potteries. I found an interesting rectangle plant pot planted with several grasses for display at the entrance. It should be good for arranging several succulents. However, we found it was out of stock, although they tried hard to find one at their warehouse.

The last shop we visited was Tanikangama Gallery Touhouzan.

As the name shows it is also a creator. The potteries are beautiful and sophisticated, and I thought a little too high priced for me. But as my wife had got momentum already, she did not stop and bought chopstick rests for us.

After being satisfied with shopping, we started to go back home to end five days trip as I decided to come back here soon in spirit.