

吊りバンド Suspenders

ウエストがガバガバのズボンが沢山ある。まだ太っていた頃に考えもなしに買い溜めたツケだ。 ベルトで締めようとしても、ウエストが酷くシワシワになってみっともないし、十分締まらない。 サスペンダーを買った。最後に使ってから多分50年以上ぶりだろう。

I have many pants with very loose abound waist. It is a consequence of my having bought many without considering much before I started to reduce my weight. If I try to tighten a belt, the waistline gets uglily wrinkled and at the same time not being able to tighten enough. I bought a suspenders. It has been perhaps more than fifty years since I used one of these last.

(1)全体の形: Y型、H型、ガンホルスター型
(2)ベルトの幅: 20mm〜35mm
(3)クリップの数: 3つ〜8つ
(4)クリップ等金具の素材: 鉄、真鍮、ポリカ
(5)所々に使われている接続具の材質: 合皮、革
(6)ブランド: アルバートサーストンというのが有名ブランドらしい


After I browsed Amazon for a while, I found I have a variety of choise of price from over ¥10,000 to less than ¥1,000.
The difference among them are in;

(1)The whole shape: Y, H, gun holster;
(2)The width of the belt: 20mm - 35mm;
(3)The number of clips: Three - eight;
(4)The material of the metal parts: Steel, Brass, PC;
(5)The material of the connecting devices: Synthetic leather, Genuine leather;
(6)Brand: It seems Albert-Thurston is a leading brand.


It would be safe to choose one of the famous English brands, but it is not interesting. The customer reviews are as usual often selfish and not dependable. I have to choose one without enough information. 
I decided to buy a cheap one for my jeans before I buy one for the suits. So, I ignored the brand name.
Wider width would be easier for my shoulders and good for the life of the rubber bands. The number of clips would better be more for the secure clip-on and the current trend I found is Y-shape, so I chose six clips. The metal I chose is steel as PC tends to crack and the structure of the clip is problematic according to the reputations, and also there are few choices in cheap suspenders with brass. Connecting devices I chose is of synthetic leather. Honest and well finished synthetic leather would be better than poorly finished genuine leather, I thought.

Finally, this is the one I chose.


It was risky as the customer review for this one was only one, but I like this after a half day of use. My wife flattered me by saying they look like costing ¥5,000.

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