

冷や汗 cold sweat


いつものようにアップデートの通知が来た。詳しく見ると、OSXのセキュリティアップデートである。私のMacのOSはHigh Sierraだ。全ユーザーに推奨されている。ということで、いつものようにリスタート・アップデートすることにした。だいぶ時間が経って、画面がリスタートの最後でフリーズしていることに気づいた。まずい・・・。これをずっと恐れてきたがその時まで起きなかったのだ。画面にはあのりんごのシンボルとローディングが終了していることを示すプログレスバーが出ている。もう暫く待ったが何も変わらない。
As usual, an update notice came. Looking into detail, I saw it is for OSX security update. The OS of my Mac is High Sierra. It is recommended for all users. So, as usual, I agreed to restart and update. A long time has passed before I noticed the screen froze at the end of the restart. Oh crap. I had been afraid of this and had never happened until then. The screen shows the apple symbol and the progress bar showing loading was over. I waited some time more, but nothing changed.

I tried forced shutdown and restart several times. The result was it restarted the last little part of loading and did not go forward. Mmmm, time to buy a new one? Seeing I was irritated, my wife blamed me I should have renewed the Mac.

Even if I decided to replace the one, it would be better that the Mac would work properly. I searched the internet using my smartphone. There were a lot of hits. Many people had experienced this.

The most promising one was to restart with command-r, command-shift-r, or command-option-r. It looked like a recovery software would start by this. I tried the simplest one command-r. Restart began from the start but the result seemed the same. So, I continued trying the others. I don't remember after which one but when I waited several seconds after the familiar sight with no reason, there appeared OSX utility window on the screen. I was almost started the credibility of the process, but it was just I should have waited enough. I chose "Reinstall OSX" in vain. The screen told me it could not connect to a "reinstall sever" or whatever. I tried "recovery from the Time machine backup". The mac was trying to find the backup data for a long time without success.

その時思いついたのは、再インストールサーバーもタイムマシンデータもWifiの向う側にあるということだ。接続されているのだろうか? 画面のシンボルはグレー、繋がっていないということだ。また「再インストールサーバーに接続できない」と検索。単にWifiに繋いだという記事を見つけた。メニューバーのグレーのシンボルは信用できそうにもなかったが、半信半疑でクリックすると、Wifiネットワークのリストが表示された。うちのも含めて。
Then the thing occurred to me was both the reinstall server and the time machine data are over WiFi network. I wondered if my machine was connected. The WiFi symbol on the screen was gray meaning "No". So I searched again "cannot connect to reinstall server". There was a hit saying a man just reconnected a Wifi. The gray Wifi symbol on the menu bar was not promising, but I tried half-hearted click. It showed a list of Wifi network including one of my home.

Great, I connected the Wifi, and tried   "Reinstall OSX" again. This time it started the process, and successfully restarted after a long time of download and install.

I was happy to find there was no damage at all except I had to reinstall the update again. This time it was over as nothing happened.

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