

Wanna listen to the music from youtube on my iPod!! iPodでyoutubeの音楽が聞きたい!!

iPodでyoutubeの音楽が聞きたい!! その理由は・・・結構長いよ。

Wanna listen to the music from youtube on my iPod!! It is a long story. Here's why.


Having a lot of free time, I started to practice playing violin. Having said that, I merely practiced violin at my very young age for just a few years, and don't like to bother learning from a instructor, neither.


First I was trying to find a good scorebooks, and bought some. I made score stand, myself.  However, after a while, it was getting bothersome to find a place to store the scores and stuffs. I am getting old and have to reduce what I own. I changed my strategy to depend on PC and internet. I can find free-scores on many internet sites, and in Youtube from basic instruction videos to great performances by professional players.
My DIY score stand from a cardboard box.
The leg is a camera tripod. 


So, it has been about a year since I started internet-supported violin practice. Since I cannot completely grasp each music just by reading scores, the examples by the pro-players are essential for me to practice unfamiliar music.
Sometimes, however, when I am away from home, I still would like to listen to the performance of pro-players. You can listen to Youtube by a phone, but, amount of my free communication of my contract is very limited, only 3GB/month to cut down unnecessary cost. I need offline access.


So, I googled for a few hours as usual, , and reached a reasonable solution. Being afraid of forgetting how I do this, I write down the process here.

1. 先ずYoutubeからビデオ・ファイルをダウンロード
"Wondershare Free Youtube Downloader"という文字通りのフリーソフトはYoutubeのビデオをMacのmp4ビデオファイルとしてダウンロードできる。有料($20)バージョンではビデオファイルを音楽ファイル、例えばmp3等に変換できるのだが、無料版ではこれはできない。

1. Download video files of youtube.
I first tried "clipconverter" online download site. It was excellent as it downloads only music part of the video just by simple procedures, but right after the download the sight tried to send me to the other, probably sponsors, sites. And, sometimes the site looked really suspicious. So I chose to more tedious way.
"Wondershare Free Youtube Downloader" the free software as the name shows can let me download youtube video to mp4 video file on my Mac. The better version, that is about $20, lets you convert the video to music file, mp3 or whatever, but free version does not.
However, later I found the software company has a bad rumor that I don't know true or not. It looks like the software has not harm me so far.

2. ビデオ・ファイルを音楽ファイルに変換

2. Convert a video file to music file
Thanking to Apple, free software "Quicktime"; that is built into MacOS, that is also free now; can do this. Opening a video file by Quicktime, It has a function to extract an audio portion of it and save m4a file.

3. iPodに転送

3. Transfer to iPod
First I was trying to find a way to convert from m4a to mp3. However, I found a m4a file can be read by iTune, and so can be transferred to iPod namely.

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