I tried to dye my white muffler with mulberry last year since it got old and stain got noticeable. It was not very successful. I did without any knowledge then, and I think the amount of berries was too little and the time of dyeing was too short. The season was a little late, so I was not able to collect enough berries.
I was determined to do it again this year.
The muffler dyed is the one on the right. Just a little browner.The left one is my scurf that I don't like the color very much. I decided to dye this year at the same time.
過去数日間500ccペットボトルが一杯になるまで桑の実を集めた。次にネットで幾つかのサイトを調査。"Natural voyage journal"と "工房さくらいろのいえ・流 草木の染め入門" というのは大いに参考になった。
Last couple of days, I collected the berries until I get my 500cc PET bottle filled with berries. Next, investigated several sites on the net.
"Natural voyage journal", and "工房さくらいろのいえ・流 草木の染め入門" were very helpful.
I started boiling berries. Last year I just crashed berries in water. One step advanced.
Next prepared fixing solution. I used alums the same as last year.
Mixed with water in a bucket to get 3% solution.
After boiling berries about thirty minutes, I soaked the muffler in the solution for twenty minutes.
Next, wash it with the fixing solution. It turned blue, surprising. After several minutes I washed in fresh water and spin dried.
I repeated the process three times for the muffler and the scurf.
My muffler.
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after the first dyeing | after the second dyeing | after the third dyeing |
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