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ラベル Ted Chiang の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示


もう一冊の本 Another book

また別の本の話である。これも何年も前に買った本で、その理由はもうとうに忘れてしまった。栞に使われていたのはまたもやボーディングパスの半券、ダレスからサンフランシスコ行き、年は不明だが4月1日午前6:45搭乗。時刻と席(2A = ファーストクラス)から考えて、日本に帰る途中だったようだ。ダレス空港で買ったのかもしれない。
This is about another book I read, again. This was also bought many years ago by some reason that I have forgotten already. The bookmark put was again a stub of a boarding pass from Dulles to San Francisco boarding at 6:45 AM on April 1, year unknown. It looks like I was on my way to go back to Japan considering the time of the flight and the seat was 2B, first class. Maybe I bought this at Dulles.

Anyway, last night I finished reading the book. It is a collection of short SiFi stories. Frankly speaking, I did not appreciate much about the most of the stories. I thought one of them was corny, the others were too far out, or too techie, although all those received many famous awards.

私が一番興味を持ったのは「顔の美醜について ― ドキュメンタリー」である。Lookism(「見た目による差別」)に関する話である。このテーマに焦点を当てるため、彼は人々からLookismの感覚を取り除く仮想の装置の存在する社会を想定している。人々が、社会がLookismからどう影響されているか或いは搾取されているか。
The one I was most interested among them, was "Liking what you see: A documentary".  It is a story about "lookism". He focuses on this theme by imagining a society with a fictious device that deprives the sense of lookism from people. How people and our societies are affected and also exploited by lookism.

I recently think one of SiFi roles is to demonstrate how our society would change with a certain new technology or a social system. I think, compared with just a description of the new tech, a story illustrating the society with those new stuffs from various perspectives with reality is far effective to understand the outcome. It is a kind of simulation without a dedicated software or systems. I think the story does a good work to illustrate how the society and the people would be with the device. Moreover, I think it criticizes how lookism IS affecting current society. However, the story seems not having received any award. Well, my sense is just at that level, I guess.

I tried of find out how popular he is in Japan by searching at Amazon. Here it is. To my surprise, it is said as "No.1 Best Seller" and rated 4/5. Maybe, I should have used a dictionary to fully appreciate the stories.

興味が湧いてきて、私が持っているのと同じ本を探してみた。何と! 新品の価格は非常に高価、100,000円辺りである。ビックリする。
I got curious and tried to find the same book I have. Here it is. Oh, what! The price of the book are hovering at an extremely high level, $10k!  Amazing!

Even an used one is on sale at about $10. The original price was $15. I was thinking to toss it into garbage bin, but change my mind to sell at Amazon. ;-)