I am still practicing violin on every weekday. It has been more than a year. My ability is just slowly improving little by little, but at least my equipments have been evolved.
My violin is electric and does not make big sound by itself. First mostly I was using a earphone to listen to the sound. Then I want to have some tone control and started to feel the earphone and the wires to connect to the violin was bothering.
So, I bought a VOX base amplifier. It was nice that I could hear the sound without botherring wires. And I could increase base sound, or add some drive to the sound.
But, today I was exploring to play the violin without the amp using only my loving iMac. Only iMac means iMac and Bose computer music monitor connected to it.
First, I have to feed input sound to the speaker. And on the way it would be better to equalize and add some effect to the signal. After all, that is great if I can record video while I am practicing. Surprisingly all these were made possible by mostly free softwares.
LineInは不可欠だ。これなしでは入力信号をスピーカーに繋ぐことができない。非常に単純だが役に立つソフトだ。Hear はエフェクタ/イコライザだ。そしてこれだけは30日以上使用するのに$20が必要となる。本質的にバイオリンは高音を出すのは得意だが低音はどちらかといえば弱い。だから、イコライザは私のような初心者には大変助かる。 viJournal は基本的にBlogを作るためのソフトだ。そして、そのための一つのツールがビデオ記録だ。このツールは私には役に立つ。ScreenFlowというもっと高機能のツールがあり、これはビデオ編集能力もある。 しかし、これは少々お高い。Soundflowerは、システム拡張ツールでアプリケーション間でサウンドやりとりを設定できる。ダウンロードはしたが、どう使おうか見つけ切らないでいる。ちなみに、私は譜面を表示するのにも、チューニングにもiMacを使っている。ということで、もし全てのアプリを一度に表示すると、今の普通の画面は、これだ。
LineIn is the must. Without this, I cannot direct the input signal to output port. It is very simple but useful software. Hear is the effecter/equalizer, and only one I have to pay $20 more than thirty days. Essentially, a violin is good at creating high pitch sound and relatively weaker low sound. So, equalizer is very helpful for a beginner like me. viJournal is a basically a software to help creating a blog. And one of the tool it has is recording a video. That tool is useful for me. There is a more powerful software ScreenFlow that has video editing capability. But, it is a little expensive. Soundflower is a sysem extension that enable to to direct sound between applications. I downloaded this, but cannot find a place to apply this. By the way I am using iMac also to display scores and tuning. So, now the typical screen is like this if I try to display all the applications at the same time.
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