

肩掛けスピーカー Speakers on you shoulder


これを買った。今日で3日目だ。SONY, Boseと出て、これで大手では3社目。評判通りなかなか良い。TVの声が非常に聞き取りにくくなってきた難聴の私にはありがたい。ドラマなどはささやき声だったり、だみ声の役者だったりして、とてもキツイ。しかし、これで聞けば、大幅改善される。それでもつらければ、補聴器に近付けると素晴らしく明瞭になる。TVがトイレに行っても聞こえる。(笑)
I bought this. I have been using this for three days until today. This JBL one is the third this kind after SONY and Bose. It is good as the reputation. I am thankful as I am feeling difficulty hearing TV voices. It is worst when people whisper in dramas, and there are actors with croaky voices. It is improved very much when I use this. If it is not enough, I can hear exceptionally clear by lifting it up a little towards my hearing aids.  I can hear TV sound even when I am in a restroom. lol

It can be paired with a PC or a mobile. I hope there is a hearing aid that has Bluetooth functions, but I guess the small batteries can hardly handle it.

It is useful for people without any difficulty hearing as you can hear the sound of TV and music while you work a little bit far. However, it is a bit heavy. I don't mind the weight, but my wife complains.

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