We went to Floral Garden Yosami. A few days ago, I found a brochure at Shiratori Garden. It is a facility of Kariya city. The flowers there are beautifully grown. Also as a park, it would be good place for children and pets to play around. (It is said that pets without leases are not allowed, though.)
There were beautiful flowers like this. This is a one that I have never seen.
At the parking lot, a lot of carp streamers are displayed. They can bee seen from the distance as the park is in the middle of flat farming field.
Then, I found this at the corner of the park.
A building next to the tower looks solemn. Look at the magnificent insulators. It looks somewhat like the research laboratory of Dr. Frankenstein. Looking inside through a window, we could see many big machines are displayed.
隣の建物も何やら厳しい。 立派な碍子ではないか。フランケンシュタイン博士の研究所のようである。窓から中を除くと大きな機械が沢山陳列されているのが見える。
玄関に回ってみると、説明書きがあり、依佐美送信所という無線送信所の記念館だと判った。オリジナルの建物は解体させ、後に雰囲気を残す記念館を建てたとのこと。後から判ったことだが、立派なweb pageもあるし、あのIEEEのマイルストーンにも2009年に登録されている歴史的な施設である。
Going around to the entrance, we found a notice, and understood this is a memorial building of a wireless transmission facility named Yosami Radio Transmitting station. Later I found a well-made web page, and it was a historically important facility dedicated to one of the IEEE milestones in 2009.
It is told that this was constructed around the end of Taisho era to the beginning of Showa era, it started transmission to Europe in Showa 4 (1929). After the WWII, it was incepted by GHQ, and used by USN until Heisei 5(1993). I guess it used for communication with USN submarines. It was returned to Japan in Heisei 6 (1994), and this memorial building was constructed in Heisei 19 (2007). It is described on Wiki in detail.
Description about the facility for US people.
Nameplates of USN.
Warning of "No trespassing".
It is said that the historical message to Imperial Japanese submarines telling "Niitakayama nobore," a coded order meaning to attack the Pearl Harbor.
We appreciated the beauty of flowers, but I took very few pictures of them as I was astonished at the transmission facility.
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