昨晩、ポール・オースターの「In the country of last things」を読み終わった。寝る前に少しづつ読んでいたのである。
Last night I finished reading "In the country of last things" by Paul Auster after I have been reading it little by little before sleep.
It is still sold at amazon.
It was a story of a young lady living in a disastrous "city". It was written in the form of a letter from her to her boyfriend. It tells about a dreadful and miserable life of her, and ends with faint expectation about their hopeful or disappointing unpredictable future.
The reviews of the book tell;
“Powerful, enigmatic, imaginative, and handled with artistry. . .One of the better modern attempts at describing hell.”
– The Washington Post Book World
“Reminiscent in many ways of Orwell’s 1984. . .Auster creates within these pages a place so real it could be our own country, perhaps our very own city.”
– The Atlanta Journal Constitution.
This, I found several weeks ago in my bookshelf. Pages are brown-yellow. It was read about ten pages. Although I don't remember that I had read this, I could say that because there was a bookmark, and in those ten pages, some words were underlined to show words that I think I had not known until then. I gave up reading there probably because the story starts with a plot un-comprehensible as many other novels are. I was not able to stay with it, I guess. It happens, so there are many books in my house that were partially being read.
Apparently, sometimes in the past I bought this. I don't remember when or where. I tried to infer how I encountered this book. The cue is the bookmark there. It was a boarding pass of American airline dated 03May05. So, I think I bought this twelve years ago or sometime a little earlier. I have almost no knowledge about Paul Auster, so presumably I bought this by the influence of some book review I read around that time. I once kept pieces of paper on that names of books I was curious about were noted. The book must be one of in the list. The location I bought could be in Tokyo where I was living in 2005, or an airport bookstore when I was traveling with the boarding pass.
Encouraged by my being able to finish this book, I started reading another partially read book. I will write about the book when I finished reading it.
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