

時は来た Time has come.


私の古いNexus 7をどうやって安全に捨てようかずっと考えていた。数ヶ月前に、そのNexusはOSアップデートから通常動作に戻ってこなかったのだ。使うのを諦めて新しいのを買った。しかし古い方を何とかしないといけなかった。というのは中には個人情報が入ったままで、デバイスはupdate以外しなくなっているのでソフト的に消すことは出来なかった。装置全体を完全に物理的に破壊することもできたが、私は希少金属のリサイクルを尊重する人間だ。長いこと考えて、装置を分解して内部のフラッシュメモリだけを破壊することにした。
I have been thinking how I can safely discard my old NEXUS 7. A few month ago, it did not come back to the regular operation from the OS update. I gave up using the one and bought a new one. However I had to do something about the old one because there remained my personal data in the device and I could not erase them by software since it did not do anything but updating. I could have physically destroyed it completely, but I respect recycling of precious metal in the device. So, after long consideration, I decided to disassemble the device and physically crush flash memory chips inside.


Following the instructions here, I tore down the device until I see the flash memory. I am not skillful in fine works, and I do not have all the tools handy for the work, I broke some connectors on the way. But, since I don't aim to use the device again, who cares.


I double checked the specs of the chip here. It was packaged in a hard case, so I ground it by my hobby router.

After that, I assembled the device to look like as an original one. I hope this suffices to let me think that I can safely throw this into a recycle bin for electronics devices.

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