We went to Zamami island of Okinawa. I wrote about snorkeling before, so this is about the experience above sea surface.
When we left our home, it was in the middle of rainy season there. Because of the forecast of rain, we could not reserve a taxi the night before. We had to walk to the nearest bus station with our suitcases. Fortunately, while we walk, rain stopped falling, and we were able to arrive at the airport without any incidents.
We arrived at Naha airport. A Seasar was welcoming us.
As it was just after noon, we had Okinawa noodle for our lunch. The noodle is different from all the other noodles I experienced in the world, and it strangely attracts me. The soup is also delicious.
After lunch, we took a taxi to Tomami port.
And got on a high speed catamaran boat. It goes between Naha and Zamami island only twice a day.
It was in the middle of summer here.
First we stopped at the port Aka of Aka island before we arrived at Zamami.
There was a beautiful bridge.
After we arrived at Zamami, we were picked up by a staff of the hotel at the port, and checked in at the hotel, we went out to explore the village. One of the place I had decided to visit was this shop. I noticed during flight that I left my rash guard at home. I found the shop listed on a advertising panel on the boat. We bought one long sleeve dry T shit for each.
By the recommendation of the man at the shop, we went to Yakitori shop to fill our hunger. Meats are huge. I regretted a little that I had ordered ten spits.
I had not known there were so many different product of Orion beer.
Later watched sunset at the port.
While walking in the island, we could find a lot of different Seasars.
Next morning we went to village office to greet the village mayor. Unfortunately, he was out of the island. We were let known he would be back in the evening. Leaving the village office, we took a bus operated by the village to Furuzamami beach. It is a quiet beach by the standard of us. There are only two cafeterias and only two rental shops of fun goods for beach. Anyway unbelievably beautiful beach with clean transparent water.
After we came back and clean ourselves, we visited the village office again. Waiting for a few minutes, the mayor came and greeted us guiding the office that had been recently rebuilt. Walking in the village, you can see traditional Okinawa house here and there.
次の日は年次のサバニ(伝統的な帆漕船)レースの日であった。 船は帆が付いているが、クルーは同時に漕ぐのだ。実は座間味島から那覇までのメインレースはこの翌日であった。この日のレースは座間味港から古座間味までの短距離の言わば前哨戦のようなものだった。
The next day was a day for annual Sabani, traditional yacht, race. The yachts are equipped with sails, but at the same time crews row the ship. Actually the main race from Zamami to Naha was planned on the next day. The race on the day was shorter a sort of prelude race from the port Zamami to Furuzamami beach.
Prior to the race, the yachts were waiting at the beach next to the port before they lined up for the starting position.
One by one, they sailed to the starting position.
After the race started, we could not watch the race well from the island. Never the less, we were able to spot some Sabanis sailing from the bus we took right after the start to go to another beach, Ama beach. This was also a beautiful beach, but we liked Furuzamami beach because there were more reefs near the beach and so more fish.
We were able to see the several last yachts racing in the distance.
A kind of butterfly that I had never seen.
They are sold as a octopus tree in our neighbor. I once tried to grow one, but it was too cold there to keep it outdoor and had it die. Adan, sang in a song.
Two white cats were guarding a shrine like Seasars.
Plumeria had flowers.
On the third day, we joined a tour that took us to a small uninhabited island. This is a station for our guide.
Beautiful beach and sea.
There were some hermit crabs.
Actually a lot of them.
On the tour we enjoyed snorkeling and watching turtles whole day. The wether was mostly cloudy with some windy showers. But it might be good for our skin not burnt too much.
Food we enjoyed the night. Pickled wasabi stem.
On the next day, we stopped swimming, took a rest, and visited several cafeteria in the village. One of them, "Chabira" had fruit trees in the garden. This is papaya tree. There was a banana tree having fruits next to it.
昼食を食べた次の喫茶店「豚々茶舗 」。
Next cafeteria, "Ton-ton-chaho" meaning "Pig-pig-tea-store"was for lunch.
After we sat down, construction started. According to a girl there, they would construct some rooms on the roof to rent.
We enjoyed some Chinese snacks and beer.
Another pair of Seasars next to the cafeteria.
We dropped in to the elementary and middle school.
Shaved ice with sweet bean jam is famous according to my wife. To our surprise they use different beans from our neighbors. We use red beans, and they use red kidney beans with some barley. It tastes good.
The last dinner at Zamami island was at SANTA that was the second time for us.
Okinawa shallot with shavings of dried bonito.
Row fish bowl.
Fish with Okinawa tofu.
Well done!.
How much we wish, we cannot stay forever at the island like a small heaven. It is time to go back to the Okinawa main island.
The entrance of the hotel we stayed in the morning of departure.
The catamaran came for us.
A whale statue was saying Good-bye.
We could see the statue of "Maririn".
We could watch the uninhabited island we visited.
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