As my wife is learning hula at the gym she goes, during this last trip we went to watch hula show three times.
最初に行ったのがマウイ島のハイアットで見られる"Drums of the Pacific Lu'au"。実は、最初は"Old Lahaina Luau"に行きたかったのですが、予約をしようとした時その後一週間は全て一杯だったのです。これを見たいと思う人はずいぶん早く予約したほうが良いですよ。
The first one is "Drums of the Pacific Lu'au" at Hyatt Regency Maui Resort and Spa. Actually, I first wanted to go to "Old Lahaina Luau", but when I try to make a reservation the all following week had been fully booked. If any of you plan to watch this, you had better reserve by many days before you go.
After parking our car, we walked through the garden of Hyatt enjoying scenery.

When we arrive there had been a long line already waiting for the luau. After we got in the line, the line got even much more longer behind us.
After waiting for thirty min. or so, we were guided to our seat and were handed a glass of drink we chose for either of us.
The feast started. The beginning ceremony is, as usual, digging out the pig that had been roasted underground in a traditional fashion.
Meal started. As the first class guest are given a priority, we, in the group of general guests were guided after them to the food table.
Fashion show.
Lady's dance.
The master of the show.
A queen or Goddess?
Fire dance!
A good thing about this Luau, is you can drink as much as you can without additional pay.
The second one is on the day we moved to Waikiki. Hula show at Kuhio beach. It is performed several evenings a week and free. The location is a little south east of the Statue of Duke. When time comes, people get together around the stage.
The band started to play music,
The third one is at Hilton Hawaiian Village. Actually again, I wanted to see this on Friday to watch weekly fireworks at the same time. But, it was full as you can easily imagine. This was on Thursday.
After waiting in the line as usual, we were able to get a seat rather close to the stage.
My impression is the dance is more exciting here than the other two. But, here free drink is just two glasses, but it was enough for us.
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