

老人向けファッション Fashion for senior people


This is what I wear these few weeks. I mean a scurf. It is not just covering my neck, but it has a zippo hand warmer inside on my back to keep my back really warm. I don't remember since when, but in last four or five years, I feel bad pain from my back to my left leg when I have my body in cold.

A very good friend of mine that is a very good chiropractor told me one day to warm my back is good no matter what. When I followed as she told, it worked fast and good. So I am continuing this warming my back habit during winter. Before I started to use my hand warmer, I was using disposable hot pack every day. But, I did not like the idea of disposing hot pack every day, but I could not find a way to use my hand warmer for this purpose.

The hand warmer was bought when I was working in Tokyo, where I walked outside a lot and was much chillier than here. I had it in my pocket during winter every day.

懐炉をぶら下げるためのベルトを作ろうかと考えたのですが、裁縫は得意ではありません。ある日、妻にそのアイデアを話すと、縫うんじゃなくて安全ピンで留めたら?と言われました。そうか! そこでこのマフラーと安全ピンを使って懐炉をぶら下げるというアイデアに至ったわけです。始めに薄い綿のスカーフを使ったのですが、熱すぎる時がありました。それで、今はこの厚いマフラーを使い良くなりました、ちょっとゴツい感じではありますが。マフラーは縛ってあるわけではないので、懐炉の高さを調節することも簡単に出来ます。
I thought of making a belt to hang the hand warmer, but I am not good at sawing. Then, one day I talked about the idea to my wife and she said why didn't I think of pinning rather than sawing. Aha! That is how I came to the idea of using a scarf and pins to carry the hand warmer. First I used thin cotton one, but sometimes it was too hot. So, now I use this thicker one that is better, a bit bulky though. I can easily adjust the height of the hot point since the scarf is not tightly knotted.

To hold the muffler stable, I tie the scarf with a string of the hoodie I wear that is hard to see in the picture.

My hand warmer is one of this. I've been using this for long time, more than seven - eight years I mean. It stays hot eight - nine hours by a cup, the small cut in the picture below, of fuel. Good deal. No waste, too.

I found a matte black one. This is not bad, too.

オレンジまで!! And orange!!

Some other makers are making similar products. For example Hakukin Kairo. This is by a Japanese company.  Same concept, heat by a chemical reaction, no burning.
Actually zippo started their hand warmer since 2010, and this one since 1923. So, this should be an original one.

私の痛みを根本的に直すために、原因を知りたかったのです。心臓、骨、一体何? でも、今のところどの医者も原因を突き止めてくれません。
I have been keen to find a cause of my pain to solve fundamentally. Heart, bones, or whatever? But no doctor was able to diagnose so far.

To write this blog, I googled why I feel good when warm my back. Many explanations. One I thought reasonable is I can warm an aorta when I warm my back. Then, as aorta warmed, warmed blood goes around whole my body.

Whatever the reason, I recommend back warming if any of you have a similar symptom whatever heater you use.

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