

Unexpected things in Australia 思いがけない物 - オーストラリア旅行で

It was our second time to visit Australia, but after about ten years. There were things that amazed us.


The first thing I was surprised was the immigration check. We entered Australia from Brisbane. The immigration check is all automatic. Starting from pushing my passport into a machine, and end with automatic photo taking. So fast!!

次は旅行者免税システム。$300以上のものを買うと出国時に税金が還付される。私の馴染みのあるヨーロッパでは、書類を書いて、それを空港の中にある探すのも難しい税関に持っていき、認可を得て、それを別のカウンターに持っていくか、郵便で送る。とても退屈でイラつくタスクだ。特に、飛行機に間に合わなくてはならない時や最後のお土産を買おうとしている時は。しかし、オーストラリアでは、唯TRFカウンターで商品を買った店から貰った紙を一式渡し、チェックを受け、返金を受けるクレジットカードをスワイプするだけ。更に、スマホを持っていれば、アプリをダウンロードして、そのアプリで還付の要求を準備できる。カウンターですることはアプリが生成したQRコードを見せて、スワイプするだけ。とても簡単で、早い!! 実はもっと簡単なシステムがある。この方法は「ライセンス」を取った店での買い物にしか使えない。この方法では価格の制限は無いし、そもそも買った時に税金を払わなくていい。することは商品を見せながら店でもらった紙を出国手続きの辺に立っている職員に渡すだけ。

Another is Tourist Refund Scheme. When you buy merchandise more expensive than $300.00, we can get refund of the tax applied to the product at the time of departure. In Europe that I had been familiar with, we have to fill in forms, bring it to customs - that is hard to find - at the airport, getting authorization, and go to another counter or send a paper mail. Very tedious and frustrating tasks. Especially when we are busy to catch your flight and sometimes try to buy the last chance souvenirs. But, in Australia, just show at the TRF counter a set of paper that is given by the shop you bought the product, and swipe your credit card to receive your refund. Moreover, if you have a smartphone, you can download an application, prepare your claim using the application. All you have to do at the counter is to show the QR code the application created, and swipe. So easy, so fast!! Actually, there is another more easier system. It looks like this method can be used only when you buy product at the "licensed" shop. By this, there is no price limitation and in the first place you need not pay tax when you buy. All you have to do is to give a paper that had been given at the shop to an officer while showing the product at the departure process. 

Australia is a high-tech country!!

There are some more things that amused us.

A limousine made of a Hammer. Well, some of you say this is not so rare.

Then, how about a Batman car!!??

野生動物 Wild animals


Australia is a heaven of wild lives. We met several wild animal while traveling in Australia.

These are pelicans at the beach of cairns.

One day, we joined a tour to watch wild animals. These are what we met during the tour. Before the tour had started, I was imagining exploring wild forests or swamps, but where we were able to watch the animals was just at the side of rural roads, garden of a farmer, or a small stream in a grass field. The nature is so dense there.

Flying fox, even though it is early afternoon, they are really active.

Whey it flies, it looks like a kite.

There are a lot.

Tree Kangaroo were on a tree three of them. The photo is of the two, a mother and a baby.

We were able to see several platypus coming out of water. Since it was a little far for my lens, the finished photos look like the one of Nessie.

Wild turkey? Since there was still some time until Thanksgiving, she moved around relaxed.

A black spider. Since our professional guide were following the snake until it disappeared, the one must be rare.

Big spider

Possum. It was amazing how our guide geniusly finds these in the pitch dark wood and lights them for us.


The ones below this are not from the tour. They are what we met in Hamilton Island.
While we were on a free bus running around the island, one Wallaby was sitting on the field outside of the airport. The driver slowed the bus to let us watch her.

This bird, Bush Stone-curlew, came several times to the hotel restaurant dinner to get remaining food.

Cockatoos were everywhere in the island. They approaches to humans when they see some food with us.

I am not sure what they are, but they look like craws. The different points from crows in Japan are they have white of eyes, some feather are white, and the voice is beautiful.


From here, these were seen in Sydney. Australian white ibis were able to be seen near port, or ocean. This was at the fish market.

This was at Circular Quay.

このカラス(?) はどこにでもいる。
This crow (?) can be seen anywhere.


切れた Disconnected


I noticed my Mac was not charged. Fingering the converter, charging restarted. This is not good. I decided to fix the problem. Actually, I noticed the wire from the converter had been damaged before we traveled to Australia about two weeks ago. At that time I treated it by vinyl wrapping the cable with packaging tape so that the damage would not grow. However, it looks like it grew.

Removing the tape, I found the mesh ground wire is almost disconnected. I was lucky that I found this before it started to fire.

Removing the covering vinyl, the wire disconnected completely.

I wrapped the mesh wire by a copper mesh wire that is removed from my old coaxial cable, and soldered them.

And, cover with a vinyl also removed from my coaxial cable to reinforce the connected part.

Wrapping with vinyl tape, and covered with silicon caulking agent.

It started working, but for a while I won't charge my Mac unattended.