It was cloudy, but not so cold. Today was a day to bike for my exercising. I decided to visit Nagoya Agricultural Center, again. There was another reason to go there. It was to check weeping plum, the feature of the Center.
咲き具合は木ごとに違うようだった。平均だと半分、40%、70%??? 難しいね。大雑把に言えば満開ではないが、がっかりするほど悪くはない。
I found the level of blooming varied from a tree to tree. On average, half, 40%, 70%??? It is hard to say. Roughly speaking, it was not full bloom, but not so bad to be disappointed.
Some tree were almost in full bloom.
Also, there was a small area dedicated for Amur adonises. I planted one in my garden a few years ago. It bloomed until last year, but I have not seen any trace of it this year.
In the educational hall, a Bonsai exhibition was held.
I would like to visit again after a few weeks to enjoy full bloom.
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