I thought it would take a few weeks to be in full bloom. However, twitter of Agriculture center stated they were in full bloom. So, last night my wife and I suddenly decided to visit today in the morning to avoid congestion.
Weather was fine. The air was full of refreshing aroma.
White-eyes came to suck honey.
Wintersweet is in full bloom, too.
As always, a juggler was performing. This was dice stacking. I once challenged this without success.
And, I cannot stop coming to here.
I was able to buy Anno-imo that was sold out the other day.
Thrush came to view plums.
The air was still chilly, but the sunshine is comfortably warm.
It is our habit to drop in a shrine near the agricultural center. I found big white mushrooms growing from a tree trunk. Is this also a sign of coming spring?
アイス・チュッリップとは? What is ice tulips?
Yesterday, we had a "Let's eat Chutoro" party. The rule is members bring in various gourmet food or drink depending on the living places. Members who do not bring any like me pay money. The main dish is of course Chutoro, fatty tuna meat sent from Tsukiji.
As I thought it was a shame to go a long way from my home in the suburb only for the party, I looked for somewhere I can watch plum flower or something like that. However, the famous places of Plum flower in Nagoya city are a little far from the location of the party. The best one looks like the Nagoya Agricultural Center that I visited a few years ago.
I found out there was held an arrange flower exhibition of Ishida school names as "Hinamatsuri" at Flarie one of flower gardens of Nagoya. Also, it was stated that "Ice tulips" were at their best.
About the "ice tulip", I found an explanation at the page of Toyama flower bulbs agricultural union.
Tulips that were grown at the desired season after they were planted and stored frozen to stop growing. As growing "ice tulips" needs special facilities, and the cost is big; the facilities that are able to grow are limited, and namely the "ice tulips" are rare and expensive.
I decided to stop there before the party, and my wife joined me only for Flarie.
There were tulips flowering really. I was concerned about what they would do at frosty nights.
Oh, I forgot to show a picture of the party. Here it is.
Yesterday, we had a "Let's eat Chutoro" party. The rule is members bring in various gourmet food or drink depending on the living places. Members who do not bring any like me pay money. The main dish is of course Chutoro, fatty tuna meat sent from Tsukiji.
As I thought it was a shame to go a long way from my home in the suburb only for the party, I looked for somewhere I can watch plum flower or something like that. However, the famous places of Plum flower in Nagoya city are a little far from the location of the party. The best one looks like the Nagoya Agricultural Center that I visited a few years ago.
I found out there was held an arrange flower exhibition of Ishida school names as "Hinamatsuri" at Flarie one of flower gardens of Nagoya. Also, it was stated that "Ice tulips" were at their best.
About the "ice tulip", I found an explanation at the page of Toyama flower bulbs agricultural union.
Tulips that were grown at the desired season after they were planted and stored frozen to stop growing. As growing "ice tulips" needs special facilities, and the cost is big; the facilities that are able to grow are limited, and namely the "ice tulips" are rare and expensive.
I decided to stop there before the party, and my wife joined me only for Flarie.
Ishida arrange flower |
There were tulips flowering really. I was concerned about what they would do at frosty nights.
Ice tulips |
Ice tulips |
Oh, I forgot to show a picture of the party. Here it is.
梅は咲いたか? Has plum bloomed?
It was cloudy, but not so cold. Today was a day to bike for my exercising. I decided to visit Nagoya Agricultural Center, again. There was another reason to go there. It was to check weeping plum, the feature of the Center.
咲き具合は木ごとに違うようだった。平均だと半分、40%、70%??? 難しいね。大雑把に言えば満開ではないが、がっかりするほど悪くはない。
I found the level of blooming varied from a tree to tree. On average, half, 40%, 70%??? It is hard to say. Roughly speaking, it was not full bloom, but not so bad to be disappointed.
Some tree were almost in full bloom.
Also, there was a small area dedicated for Amur adonises. I planted one in my garden a few years ago. It bloomed until last year, but I have not seen any trace of it this year.
In the educational hall, a Bonsai exhibition was held.
I would like to visit again after a few weeks to enjoy full bloom.
It was cloudy, but not so cold. Today was a day to bike for my exercising. I decided to visit Nagoya Agricultural Center, again. There was another reason to go there. It was to check weeping plum, the feature of the Center.
咲き具合は木ごとに違うようだった。平均だと半分、40%、70%??? 難しいね。大雑把に言えば満開ではないが、がっかりするほど悪くはない。
I found the level of blooming varied from a tree to tree. On average, half, 40%, 70%??? It is hard to say. Roughly speaking, it was not full bloom, but not so bad to be disappointed.
Some tree were almost in full bloom.
Also, there was a small area dedicated for Amur adonises. I planted one in my garden a few years ago. It bloomed until last year, but I have not seen any trace of it this year.
In the educational hall, a Bonsai exhibition was held.
I would like to visit again after a few weeks to enjoy full bloom.
雛人形 Hinaningyo dolls
Around this season in Japan, Hinaningyo dolls can be seen here and there. They are special dolls for Hinamatsuri, also called as "Girls day". They are originally and still now displayed at many family houses that have a girl in their member. Since there are antique dolls preserved at old families or museums, in recent years there held Hinamatsuri events as a special exhibitions of many museums or as town festivals.
Detail description of Hinamaturi should be referred to Wikipedia.
A few days ago, my wife and I drove around several exhibitions near our home.
First place we went was Miyoshi City Museum of History & Folklore.
Typical Ohinasama display. The standing dolls are called Ichimatsu-ningyou.
Peach flower is another symbol of Hinamatsuri.
Some Ohinasama has a palace and the emperor and the empress are sitting in the palace.
This one has a doll about to walk down steps of the palace.
Varieties of Ohinasama made in various eras were exhibited.
次に行ったのは日進市 旧市川家住宅。18世紀にこの辺りの庄屋だった人の母屋。
The next place was The formar Iwasaki Residence. The house was a residence of Ichikawa family who was a squire at the area in 18th century.
Interior is decorated with various Ohinasama for the event. Kimonos were exhibited, too. Also, many "Tsurushibina" small dolls made of cloths are hung at strings.
Inside of the roof is made of woods and bamboos.
A replica samurai helmet crafted of paper for visitors to take selfie.
I found a doll with realistic expression "Merry drinker".
Around this season in Japan, Hinaningyo dolls can be seen here and there. They are special dolls for Hinamatsuri, also called as "Girls day". They are originally and still now displayed at many family houses that have a girl in their member. Since there are antique dolls preserved at old families or museums, in recent years there held Hinamatsuri events as a special exhibitions of many museums or as town festivals.
Detail description of Hinamaturi should be referred to Wikipedia.
A few days ago, my wife and I drove around several exhibitions near our home.
First place we went was Miyoshi City Museum of History & Folklore.
Typical Ohinasama display. The standing dolls are called Ichimatsu-ningyou.
Peach flower is another symbol of Hinamatsuri.
Some Ohinasama has a palace and the emperor and the empress are sitting in the palace.
This one has a doll about to walk down steps of the palace.
Varieties of Ohinasama made in various eras were exhibited.
次に行ったのは日進市 旧市川家住宅。18世紀にこの辺りの庄屋だった人の母屋。
The next place was The formar Iwasaki Residence. The house was a residence of Ichikawa family who was a squire at the area in 18th century.
Interior is decorated with various Ohinasama for the event. Kimonos were exhibited, too. Also, many "Tsurushibina" small dolls made of cloths are hung at strings.
Some antique stuffs were displayed to show the living atmosphere of the old days.
Inside of the roof is made of woods and bamboos.
The third place was Iwasaki Castle.
A replica samurai helmet crafted of paper for visitors to take selfie.
I found a doll with realistic expression "Merry drinker".
Still there are many more location exhibiting Ohinasama in this area. They will be introduced when we visit them.
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