

もう一冊の本 Another book

また別の本の話である。これも何年も前に買った本で、その理由はもうとうに忘れてしまった。栞に使われていたのはまたもやボーディングパスの半券、ダレスからサンフランシスコ行き、年は不明だが4月1日午前6:45搭乗。時刻と席(2A = ファーストクラス)から考えて、日本に帰る途中だったようだ。ダレス空港で買ったのかもしれない。
This is about another book I read, again. This was also bought many years ago by some reason that I have forgotten already. The bookmark put was again a stub of a boarding pass from Dulles to San Francisco boarding at 6:45 AM on April 1, year unknown. It looks like I was on my way to go back to Japan considering the time of the flight and the seat was 2B, first class. Maybe I bought this at Dulles.

Anyway, last night I finished reading the book. It is a collection of short SiFi stories. Frankly speaking, I did not appreciate much about the most of the stories. I thought one of them was corny, the others were too far out, or too techie, although all those received many famous awards.

私が一番興味を持ったのは「顔の美醜について ― ドキュメンタリー」である。Lookism(「見た目による差別」)に関する話である。このテーマに焦点を当てるため、彼は人々からLookismの感覚を取り除く仮想の装置の存在する社会を想定している。人々が、社会がLookismからどう影響されているか或いは搾取されているか。
The one I was most interested among them, was "Liking what you see: A documentary".  It is a story about "lookism". He focuses on this theme by imagining a society with a fictious device that deprives the sense of lookism from people. How people and our societies are affected and also exploited by lookism.

I recently think one of SiFi roles is to demonstrate how our society would change with a certain new technology or a social system. I think, compared with just a description of the new tech, a story illustrating the society with those new stuffs from various perspectives with reality is far effective to understand the outcome. It is a kind of simulation without a dedicated software or systems. I think the story does a good work to illustrate how the society and the people would be with the device. Moreover, I think it criticizes how lookism IS affecting current society. However, the story seems not having received any award. Well, my sense is just at that level, I guess.

I tried of find out how popular he is in Japan by searching at Amazon. Here it is. To my surprise, it is said as "No.1 Best Seller" and rated 4/5. Maybe, I should have used a dictionary to fully appreciate the stories.

興味が湧いてきて、私が持っているのと同じ本を探してみた。何と! 新品の価格は非常に高価、100,000円辺りである。ビックリする。
I got curious and tried to find the same book I have. Here it is. Oh, what! The price of the book are hovering at an extremely high level, $10k!  Amazing!

Even an used one is on sale at about $10. The original price was $15. I was thinking to toss it into garbage bin, but change my mind to sell at Amazon. ;-)




















例年どこかでみる、ナンジャモンジャの木。ヒトツバダコと書かれることもあるが、ヒトツバタゴ(一つ葉田子)が正しいのか?結構見ることもあるのだが、Wikipediaによれば絶滅危惧II類 (VU)(環境省レッドリスト)らしい。




少し変化を Little changes

Today is a "Children's day" in Japan. To celebrate and pray for healthy growth of children.

I have one opinion about  the speed of the passage of time. Many people say that they felt duration of time longer when you were kids. So you felt , say, a year was very long. However, when you grow up, you feel time passes very fast. I have an explanation why. When you were a child, you experience a lot of new and exiting events. So, your memory was filled with a lot of events, and that made you feel one year was very long. However, as an adult you got used to many happening or you come not to be fascinated at many things. So, there is not much to remember, and that makes you feel time is short.

Anyway, I think some change is necessary to stimulate your brain, and should be good for your health.

Today, I want to introduce some change in my life recently. One is I wear an apron most of the time at home, and even when I go out near my home. It is just to prevent to stain my cloth by cooking, dishing, and gardening. However, I found some other merits that I had not anticipated when I started this. One is it makes you fairly warm. The other is interesting things happen when you go out for shopping with one.  Every time I go shopping, invariably some people came to talk to me saying, "Excuse me..." I say, "Sorry, I am not working here." Usually they smile back. Some comfortable interaction with people there.

Another change is I placed my note pc on top of a cupboard and using it there. Yes, I have to be standing. Before, it was my custom to use PC for many hours while I was sitting on one of the chairs. I started this thinking it should be good for your muscles. Actually, I feel stress in my back muscles and upper thighs. It really works. Moreover, there is another merit. I feel it helps regulate bowel movements very much, although I won't go into the details.

So, after all some changes in your life is good for your health.