以前からgoogle photoのalbum page上部に下の写真のような自分が作ったわけではない幾つかの小ぶりなサムネイルがあるのに気づいていた。サムネイルに使われている写真は私のものなのだが、サムネイルそのものは私が作ったものではないのだ。
I have noticed in the album page of google photo site there are smaller thumbnails at the top of the page that I did not create like one below. Although the picture used are my creation, the thumbnails in the first row are not albums I created.
Google photo album page |
Until today, though, I didn't look into the detail of them. Interestingly it looks like a classification that google automatically has done to my pictures. I looked in detail to imagine how they did this classification, and found some of them are really impressive and funny. Some of them even have me have new views to my pictures.
Most ones I found most interesting are in the category of "Subject". The subject category is divided into more sub-classes.
This also google thought as a butterfly. It is probably about the flower not the bee, I guess.
So far, they look like classifying pictures by their graphical contents. Probably against their database created from tons of pictures they have. And using deep learning stuff.
It looks like they have larva image data also in the butterfly class.
A lave picture classified as a butterfly. |
They seem to use also the dates the picture taken. This I took on Oct. 31 in many years ago. But, it is not so bad if they classified this as Halloween using image contents.
This is one of them classified as fireworks. I can't blame they contained this one in the class.
A dog-like(?) rabbit.
A cat-like(?) rabbit.
I cannot eat these "food".
They might also use tags that I put on when I used in my blog and also pictures them selves.
もししたことがなかったら、ご自分のgoogle picturesも見てみることをお勧めする。
If you haven't, I recommend you to look into ones of yours.