

これらは一体何だ? What the heck are they?


以前からgoogle photoのalbum page上部に下の写真のような自分が作ったわけではない幾つかの小ぶりなサムネイルがあるのに気づいていた。サムネイルに使われている写真は私のものなのだが、サムネイルそのものは私が作ったものではないのだ。
I have noticed in the album page of google photo site there are smaller thumbnails at the top of the page that I did not create like one below. Although the picture used are my creation, the thumbnails in the first row are not albums I created. 
Google photo album page
Until today, though, I didn't look into the detail of them. Interestingly it looks like a classification that google automatically has done to my pictures.  I looked in detail to imagine how they did this classification, and found some of them are really impressive and funny. Some of them even have me have new views to my pictures.

Most ones I found most interesting are in the category of "Subject". The subject category is divided into more sub-classes.

This is a picture categorized as a butterfly. Isn't it understandable?

This also google thought as a butterfly. It is probably about the flower not the bee, I guess.

So far, they look like classifying pictures by their graphical contents. Probably against their database created from tons of pictures they have. And using deep learning stuff.

It looks like they have larva image data also in the butterfly class. 
A lave picture classified as a butterfly.

They seem to use also the dates the picture taken. This I took on Oct. 31 in many years ago. But, it is not so bad if they classified this as Halloween using image contents.

This is one of them classified as fireworks. I can't blame they contained this one in the class.

A dog-like(?) rabbit.
A cat-like(?) rabbit.

I cannot eat these "food".

They might also use tags that I put on when I used in my blog and also pictures them selves.

もししたことがなかったら、ご自分のgoogle picturesも見てみることをお勧めする。
If you haven't, I recommend you to look into ones of yours.


初めて行った場所 Places visited for the first time


We went to Tateshina highlands running away from heat in this past August. As we had been there for so many times, in these years we gradually expand the places we visit outside of Tateshina. 

On Aug. 23, the day when we left our home; we visited Yatsugatake Club, a wood garden, restaurant, specialty shops complex that Yagyu family developed and managing. I wanted to visit there since before. After I heard Yagyu junior passed away, the desire had increased and I have been waiting for a chance to visit there.

I thought it is further than it really is. Actually it is at just an hour drive from/to Tateshina. So, around noon we were there and was a perfect timing to have lunch there.
Fruit tea is one of the feature of the restaurant. 

This is a view of the garden from the terrace of the restaurant. Basically it is in the midst of wild wood. Very refreshing and very calming.

The  view of the restaurant from a parking lot.

A pretty gardening shop.

There were pretty refreshing flowers all around the establishment.


We left the Club after lunch and window shopping. When we arrived at the hotel we always stay, an old familiar face welcomed us.

Also, a new face came out to see us. He is usually living in an opening in this stone pile. He came out at that time to eat an earth worm that he failed to catch. Poor guy!

We stayed for two nights there, and I enjoyed fishing on the second day although barely catching game. It is good to walk in a small stream feeling mindless.

On the way back home, we drove to the opposite direction, to the east to visit "Icchiku Kubota gallery". He is a famous Kimono designer and an creator specialized in fabulous "Icchiku Tsujigahana" dyeing, and his masterpieces are displayed there.

This is the gate to the facility.

Before we reached the gallery building, we were to proceed through a tranquil garden with a fall and pond.

The exterior of the gallery building reminds me of Antoni Gaudi of Barcelona.

Unfortunately we are not allowed to take pictures inside. But this is a one from their homepage.

From Icchiku homepage
His Kimonos are extremely intricate and exquisite, and we were drown in to his art world with just a few visitors then.

We was also able to enjoy an unexpected mini-concert of a flute and a guitar at the gallery.

Finally before we start to drive home, we drove into a small path to see a fall called "Jinba fall". We had to walk about ten minutes as my navigation system guided us to the secondary parking area. It consists of several small water falls of river water and also springwater coming from the rock wall. Looks like a good place for kids to play in the water as the water is shallow.

Water is extraordinary clean and clear.

After this, we drove on the second Tomei expressway arriving home in the evening.