

何だろう? What is this?


I went for a regular checkup to the hospital. It was finished around 14:00, and the result was without big change. The weather had been cleared up by then. To enjoy the good weather in the middle of our rainy season, I chose to go to the Tsuruma Park to see hydrangeas.

Next to the hydrangea garden, lotus flowers were blooming in beautiful pink color.


Several types of hydrangea were in full bloom as they were waiting for me.


Both sides of the path were filled with hydrangeas.

公園を出た所で道の向こうに草や藪で覆われ、柵で囲まれたた円形の場所に気づいた。初めは公園の続きか学校の裏庭かと思った。驚いたことに、公園の一部ではあるが、古の古墳跡である。名古屋市のweb siteによると、径は82mで国の史跡に登録されているとのこと。

Walking out of the park beyond the road I noticed a round shaped area covered with grass and bushes and surrounded with a railing. I first thought it was an annex of the part of the park or a back yard of a school. To my surprise, although it is a part of the park, it is a remain of ancient burial mound. The diameter is 82m according to the webpage of Nagoya City, and it was designated as one of the national historical sites.


ストリートビューだ! Street view!

名古屋市天白公園はずっと気になっていた。我が家からさほど遠くない、約4, 5kmといったところだ。行ったことはないが、市内にしては大きな自然公園だと知っていた。

Nagoya city Tenpaku Park had been hanging over my head for a while. It is not so far from our home, about four or five kilometers. I had never been there, but knew it is a big natural park for the one in a city.


As I was tired of walking the same route every time for exercise, I decided to walk to Tempaku Park although I felt it was a little challenging distance. Adding to the distance, the ups and downs of the route is pretty much significant.

As usual I took the least busy streets. On the way I found this tree unknown to me with many seeds.

They become like these when they are mature.


Googling, I found this site, and found the name of the tree. It is a Japanese tree in an alder group. It is said the seeds have been used for dyeing. Taking the chance, I checked the name of trees on the both sides of the street near our home that also bear unique seeds. Voila, it is American Sweetgum. I had been assuming it was Platanus. But, it's close isn't it?


After an hour, I was there. Yes, it was a big park, with forests, a large pond, lawn gardens, and a BBQ area.

大根池 Ohne pond

芝生広場 One of the lawn gardens


Even though, the use of the park is free, parking is not. But, it is only 500 yen a day.

I noticed a strange thing looking like a soccer ball is moving in the parking lot.


It was a car taking pictures for Google street view.

After all, it took two and half hours  for the round trip.

It was a little too much, and the next morning I found I slept almost eleven hours.  


まあ、こんな作家がいたんだね Wow, I hadn't thought of a writer like him.


蓮實 重彥さんは、今年の三島由紀夫賞の受賞者である。彼は受賞の記者会見において不機嫌であったことで注目を集めた。私は彼自身より、その時に彼が「いしいしんじのような若手が受賞に相応しい」と言ったという「いしいしんじ」の方に興味を惹かれた。

Mr. Shigehiko Hasumi is a winner of the Mishima Yukio award in this year. He attracted attention as being grouchy at the press interview of the award. I was interested in a person "Shinji Ishii". It is told that Mr. Hasumi stated that it was right that a young person like Mr. Shinji Ishi received the award.


I scarcely have flirted with books written by writers that I had not known before. Especially, it has been true about Japanese writers. It is not right I do not like modern Japanese writers. Probably, it is just a habit since when I was young. I don't like to read award winning books as I feel it is flattering. However, I was greatly interested in a writer ,that Mr. Hasumi who described the award as "an unwelcome intrusion", commented "He is appropriate.".


As I thought still it is risky to buy a book, I ordered and borrowed a book "Everyday is one day." that was newest among the books available at a library. It is very convenient that if I ask by internet, I can borrow any book that is available at all libraries in Nagoya city after a few days wait.


Reading, I found it is a book of essays. Usually, I read fast and careless. Just enough to follow a plot. However, sometimes there are books that make me fell it is too good to read like that. "Dandelion wine" by Ray Bradbury, it was one of such books that one of my friends lent me. He told me as he lent the book, "It is too good to read to kill time in a train, so bring it back to your home and read carefully." Indeed it was true. I at once fell in love with his fantasy novels whom I thought as a SiFi writer before then.


A writer I was reminded was Ray Bradbury when I read essays of Shinji Ishii. I can't say why. In the vague atmosphere where which is real and which is imagination, sad and pleasant lives of people getting on without tensing up  comes one ofter another. Such sentences, that sometimes cause burst, are so cozy. I read the book before I sleep at my bed. I do not feel like to read many because I am likely to forget the contents that I read earlier. Actually, I would forget mostly anyway.



I thought he is like a person always in a dream, but how commercially-minded(?) he has his blog .

I think I would like to focus on him for a while.


祭りのあと After the festival



One of the funs of trips is a souvenir. As is usual, I bought back some.


One of them is this small tray of lacquerware bought at Kamoso. It is perfect for a glass with some dry snacks. I was surprised to find most of glasses and cups have same size of bottoms.


So, the tray fits this hydrangea cut glass, too.


Hydrangeas also bought at the Kamoso conservatory. This one is called "Like a dream".


This is called "Sparkle colours". The Chinese characters can be read as "Hydrangea".


Closing up the flowers.

き、き、奇っ怪な? Eery, isn't it?


It was a season of Japanese iris (Iris ensata) and Hydrangea. So, our next stop was Kamoso-Kachoen. I think it was originally famous for the iris garden, but now it has also a lot of hydrangea, two big, big bird cages, also a big conservatory, and the iris garden is also a home of many duck families. We can feed the birds in the cage and in the field as much as we wish, and birds are so tamed that they even are fed from your hands.
Photo provided by Kamoso-Kachoen

 Baby ducks looking for food on my hand.


This is a picture of Black-necked stilt mothers and babies. Can't you see babies? Count the number of legs!


This is a one of the hanging pot in the conservatory. I have never seen such a long stems of impatienses.


There are several rare tropical trees, too.


The picture in the left is buds, and the right is after it flowered. Eery...


The name "Kamoso" came from a big old house of a head man farmer Kamo family still kept well in the garden. We can also tour inside the old house.


There were also held an exhibition of two craftsmen. One is of potteries, and the other is sculptures.


Demonstration of curving stones.


Another object of this trip was to drive on the New-Tomei highway. The traffic was sparse and it seemed that everybody were strangely keeping legal speed limit. We had lunch at NEOPASA Hamamatus before we left the highway.
Photo provided by NEOPASA Hamamatus.


Our final stop was Ryotanji-temple. It is a family temple of Ii family, famous samurai family, and the family will be a theme of next year's annual TV drama of NHK. We plotted to visit there before it would be very much crowded once it would become widely known. Hamamatsu city has already created a booklet about the points of interest of Ii family.

Photo provided by Ryotanji.


A dragon created by a famous sculptor Jingoro Hidari.


It has a beautiful garden with stones and ponds. The panorama picture was made by google automatically before I decide to make how.


Still continuing.


Art and flower in Kamegawa. #1 花と芸術の掛川 (その1)



My wife and I visited Kakagawa area, again. June is supposed to be a rainy season for most of mainland Japan. However, it turned out to be a not too hot and not to cold, unexpectedly pleasant two days trip.


It is about hour and half drive by Tomei-highway from our home. And, the traffic was sparse, the drive in the morning was comfortable.


Photo provided by Unasuke.
I had decided to eat eels for lunch, and the restaurant I chose was "Unasuke" specialized in the eel food. There is a reason why I chose the place even though there are many famous eel restaurants in the area. It is that we had eaten there a few years ago. At that time, it was around three o'clock. We looked for any open eel restaurant by driving around among we found googling. I think we visited three or four closed ones before we found Unasuke that was open and welcomed us. Of course, the taste had been and was fabulous.


Actually, since we arrived at Unasuke a little earlier than planned, ignoring the landlady's invitation that it was welcome to start lunch as the tables are empty, we reserved a table and drove away to look around. We walked towards Kakegawa castle partially built and once lived by Kazutoyo Yamanouchi. As time was limited, we did not enter the tower, but viewed from Sakagawa river the banks were covered by a whole lot of colourful lilies.


Near the bridge to the castle, there is a shop and restaurant "Kodowarippa". We bought some green tea famous in the area.


Photo provided by Shiseido.

Before we went back to Unasuke and started our lunch, there had been several customers already sitting and more and more came in after that. We were glad that we had reserved a table. The eel lunch was great as I mentioned, and after enjoying remaining taste of eel in our mouths, we left for Shiseido Art House in the same city. It is a gallery managed by Shiseido, and we enjoyed an exhibition of Japanese painting that is held until July 3.



Photo provided by Yamaha.

Photo provided by Yamaha.

The hotel we stayed the night was "Katsuragi Kitanomaru" managed by Yamaha corporation. It was built next to a golf course managed by also Yamaha. The hotel has a big garden most of it is a walkway through a forest. We can enjoy full of nature.

Taking outdoor bath, and enjoying dinner and sake, I fell asleep hours earlier than usual.
