I went for a regular checkup to the hospital. It was finished around 14:00, and the result was without big change. The weather had been cleared up by then. To enjoy the good weather in the middle of our rainy season, I chose to go to the Tsuruma Park to see hydrangeas.
Next to the hydrangea garden, lotus flowers were blooming in beautiful pink color.
Several types of hydrangea were in full bloom as they were waiting for me.
Both sides of the path were filled with hydrangeas.
公園を出た所で道の向こうに草や藪で覆われ、柵で囲まれたた円形の場所に気づいた。初めは公園の続きか学校の裏庭かと思った。驚いたことに、公園の一部ではあるが、古の古墳跡である。名古屋市のweb siteによると、径は82mで国の史跡に登録されているとのこと。
Walking out of the park beyond the road I noticed a round shaped area covered with grass and bushes and surrounded with a railing. I first thought it was an annex of the part of the park or a back yard of a school. To my surprise, although it is a part of the park, it is a remain of ancient burial mound. The diameter is 82m according to the webpage of Nagoya City, and it was designated as one of the national historical sites.